Monday, December 31, 2007

How To Start A Conversation With A Woman


That woman you want to talk to is not going to walk over, sit down, and ask your name - even if she's interested in you. If a conversation between the two of you is ever going to happen, it's up to you to make it happen. If she made and held eye contact with you, she probably wants you to. Follow these steps to get that conversation started and make yourself stand out from every other guy who wants to talk to her, but for whatever reason, doesn't.


Difficulty: Challenging

Things You'll Need

* Fresh Breath

* Confidence

Step One

You must be non-threatening, so you cannot be aggressive in any way.

Step Two

Smile. That way, when she makes eye contact with you, she will have to smile back.

Step Three

Do not be the first to look away.

Step Four

Once she breaks eye contact, make your way over to her within three seconds. Do not appear to hesitate.

Step Five

If she's alone, slow down as you walk past her and with your feet and shoulders pointed away from her, turn your head and speak to her over your shoulder. If she's with a friend or two, slow down as you walk past the group and speak over your shoulder to the friend furthest from the woman you're interested in.

Step Six

While still smiling, say, "I need a woman's opinion." Women love to share their opinions, so this should get her (or their) attention. But nobody likes the idea of having to talk to a random stranger all night, so let her (or them) know you don't plan on staying by saying, "Then I have to go." Don't wait for permission, go right into the question.

Step Seven

At this point, you'll need to cater your question to your audience. If she seems to be in her mid-twenties or younger, ask, "who will be a better mother: Britney Spears or Nicole Richie?"If you're asked why you care, say, "a female friend of mine disagreed with me, and I want to see if it's just her, or if it's a woman thing." If you're anywhere in the Washington, D.C. metro area (regardless of her age), or if she's in her late twenties or older, ask, "are we ready for a woman President?" If she asks your opinion, answer in the affirmative, no matter what you actually believe.

Step Eight

After she (or they) is engaged on conversation, then (and only then) should you turn your body toward her. You'll be glad you have that fresh breath.

Tips & Warnings

* Keep smiling, even if you get shot down.

* Keep trying with different women, even if you get shot down.

* Do not be intimidated by her or her group.
* If she's with a guy, do not assume they're "together."